
Conexus Medical is a provider of Durable Medical Equipment (DME), Home Health Care and related specialty healthcare services to the workers’ compensation industry. We appreciate the opportunity to assist patients and families or caregivers during the recovery period following a workplace injury.

Provider Locator

The California network includes over 2,100 community-based providers. This is made possible via our unique partnership with a division of the nation’s largest group purchasing organization in the HME industry. Through these providers Conexus provides access to home medical and respiratory equipment, custom seating and mobility products, home health nursing and IV therapy, physical, occupational, and speech therapies, orthotics and prosthetics, patient transportation and translation services, home and vehicle modification, hearing devices and supplies, electro medical devices, bone growth stimulators, wound care and ostomy supplies, diabetic products including insulin pumps as well as a variety of other specialty products.

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